It is officially TripleMania XXX season sports fans, and that can only mean one thing; the return of the Luchabag is upon us once more! Seriously, you can’t have a big lucha show without a Luchabag…I mean I guess you can when it’s a CMLL show, but that’s only because they’re a lost cause and I don’t trust Ticketmaster. In any event, I am once again here to answer questions that I and a few buddies totally didn’t makeup while goofing off, followed by me breaking down Saturday night’s big show, a show that features a potential Match of the Year Contender, some potential Worst Match of the Year Contenders and the usual AAA silliness in between. So what are we wasting time for? I’ve got an empty Pepsi bottle in hand, Fugazi in my ears, and lucha libre on my mind. And that can only mean it’s time, IT’S TIME, IT’S LUCHABAG TIME!
On a scale from one to LUGER WON THE TITLE, what are the odds that Sammy Guevara and Tay Conti will be liked in Mexico?
-Angel, Saltillo
Well if you believe Reddit, it would be a zero. After all, Sammy Guevara and Tay Conti have committed the greatest crime in the history of wrestling; fucking while being hot. Hey; it wouldn’t be Reddit without casual misogyny, amirite?! Honestly, they’ll probably get booed in Mexico but it will have less to do with their relationship and more to do with the fact that they’re both foreigners and Sammy always gets booed when he goes to Mexico anyway. The most important thing is they’ll likely both be good, we’ll get to see Sammy tangle with Octagon Jr., Arez, and Latigo and, most importantly, the thing brings us one step closer to Paige VanZant, one half of the AAA World Mixed Tag Team Champions. It’s going to happen, and if you doubt it, you’re dumber than a Reddit poster claiming David Bixenspan doesn’t care enough about abuse victims in one post while doubting Christina Von Eerie in another. Reddit; it blows more than Alias after season 3.
Is Bandido taking a Garra cibernética from Cibernético?
-El Egante, Saltillo
No. He’s going to be too busy tangling with Andrade and Deonna Purrazzo to be taking chokeslams from good ole Ciber the Main Man. Now Pagano? He’s taking the Garra Cibernetica. Not only that, but knowing Pagano he’s taking it through some sort of foreign object. I’d put heavy odds on it being a table or piece of wood of some kind, but then again it’s TripleMania, so it could easily be a shopping cart on fire. Good Grodd, he’s going to somehow read this and get ideas, isn’t he?
Will Andrade recruit Bandido into the AFO?
-Carmilla, Silas University
I mean, he may attempt to do that. Will it work? I’m going a hard no on that one. For starters, looking at Andrade’s attempts at recruiting Mr. Stink and the little boy. He worked his ass off to do that, and all it got was Sting going full Atlantis at the 82nd Aniversario on him (give or take a balcony dive) and then Darby Allin closing a thumbtack coffin lid on Sombra to make sure poor Charlotte was marrying a guy with tiny holes in his front. Here’s an even bigger problem though; are we sure Andrade can hold the AFO, let alone recruit? Cause I’ve got to tell you; my main man Angelico is back in the saddle and there’s only so much he can take before he finally rises up, kicks Andrade out, and makes it the Angelico Family Office, just so he can get his great entrance back. Plus, they won’t even have to change the initials; it’ll still be AFO! The point is The Artist Formerly Known as La Sombra has bigger fish to fry than an ill-fated attempt at getting Bandido to join him.
Okay seriously; when is Ludark Shaitan coming to AAA? How would you book her if she came to AAA? AM I THE ONLY ONE WHO CARES ABOUT THIS SHIT?!
-Eric, Smithfield
This guy; this guy is asking the real questions here! It’s almost as if I wrote this question myself…except I didn’t, because that would mean this Luchabag isn’t on the up and up and we all know that’s not the case.
Sadly dear Eric, I get the sense that we will never see Ludark on AAA programming. Hell, I’m not sure we’ll see her anywhere; she’s only wrestled once this year and that was in the US. I hate to go all Buzz Killington here, but the odds are not our favor here. Hypothetically though, if AAA was interested in Ludark and had her coming in tomorrow, my booking would be simple; Pagano turns rudo, attacks Lady Shani, Ludark rides in on the white horse clad in barbed wire and light tubes to save the day (don’t worry; the barbed wire and light tubes would be safe on the horse. We’re not about animal cruelty here). Ludark and Pagano then feud, culminating in Ludark shaving Pagano’s head after the first-ever Exploding Barbed Wire Hair vs. Hair Death Match. Ain’t that brilliant? Konnan or one of the CMLL booking dorks are going to see this and hire me based on this idea alone!
Is Vikingo going to single-handedly beat the Young Bucks?
-Tony, West Side
No, he will not, for one reason and one reason alone; Fenix is in this match too. I know there was some speculation he wasn’t when this question was sent to me, what with Space posting that graphic of Vikingo by himself against the Bucks and all, but it was all for not. Fenix will be in Monterrey, flying around with effortless ease and hopefully not breaking his arm along the way, thus making sure Vikingo won’t have to single-handedly defeat the Bucks. He totally could do that though if he had to go it alone. Have you seen the Bucks recently? They’re so shaky, James Harden feels bad for them.
Andrade in Los Faccion Ingobernables. Who says no?!
-Skeegan, UCONN
Everyone. No literally; everyone. This idea is quite frankly almost as bad as Andrade recruiting Bandido. I get it; Andrade and Rush are boys, they’re always going to be boys, blah blah blah, yadda yadda, who do you trust, hubba hubba hubba, money money money holy shit, why did I just quote Jack Nicholson in Batman? STAY ON TARGET CULT! The point is, despite all that, Andrade finally has a good thing going if you take away the failure to recruit Mr. Stink and the little boy. He has a decent crew (even if Angelico is plotting to overthrow him), the AEW crowd has warmed to him and, most importantly, he’s looking like 2015 La Sombra again. Teaming with Rush looks good on paper…until you realize that means Andrade will soon be teaming with Bestia del Ring and Vangellys again. That’s right; those two are still around and nothing kills your stock quite like teaming with the Nazi M. Bison cosplayer and Greg Gagne in reverse. How many people will get that last joke? Find out in June on the next exciting episode of LUCHABAG Z!!!!!
Will Canek’s knees hold up? Will any of the legends’ knees hold up?
-Wallace, Toronto
Strong question here. My gut feeling; yes. I could easily be wrong here; Canek in particular had trouble going down the Arena Mexico stairs last time I saw him, and he was five years younger than he is now when that happened. The good news is that there are no major stairs at TripleMania (at least not usually) and, spoiler alert, I don’t think any of the guys with major concerns will be wrestling big matches past this show. Thus it’ll require Canek and Rayo to just survive this show, and if they can do that, all the knees will hold up just fine. I will now pray to Cthulhu that I didn’t just jinx everything by stating that.
Who do you see being in Best of the Super Juniors this year? I feel this is a great opportunity for it to be great, what with New Japan and AEW really working together and all.
-Mark, St. Albert
…what the hell is this?! Does this look like the Super J-Cast to you, Mark from St. Albert, Alberta?! If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you’re a man who has alienated himself from a beautiful pacific northwest city; Vancouver maybe? But whatever; I’ll answer your question. I see a lot of the usual suspects from New Japan being featured (KUSHIDA, Hiromu, CMLL legend Desperado, Taguchi, Phantasmo, Ishimori, ect.), some New Japan Strong guys (TJP), some newbies (Akira Francesca, who rocks by the way), maybe a few guys from both Impact and AEW (Chris Bey, Dante Martin now that Darius is out) and of course, former CMLL legend turned FIFA 2022 expert Mascara Dorada. In the end, the most important thing is there will likely be no CMLL people in it, there will definitely be no AAA people in it, and Mark from St. Albert is still not going to be welcome in Vancouver, British Columbia. Speaking of Vancouver.
What would be the absolute, dirt worst surprise AAA could pull out for TripleMania? You know, the sort of thing that goes so badly that “Joltin” Joe Dombrowski and Larry Dallas are left sitting there with a look on their face like Kleinrock when the MTV execs told him WSX was being canned?
-Ewan, Vancouver
First off, I don’t think that’s what actually happened. It’s been awhile but as I recall, the story goes MTV told Big Kev he had to cut the Exploding Casket Match, Jack Evans and Lizzy Valentine or the show would be done. So what did our fearless leader of Lucha Central do? He stuck the double bird to that exec, quit on the spot (thus ending the show; they weren’t running it without him) and broke a photo of the exec and Eminem on his way out of the room. At least I believe that’s how it went. If you want the full story, you can ask Kevin all about it, ON JUNE 11 OR 12, AT EXPO LUCHA IN PHILADELPHIA!
As for your question Ewan, there’s only one answer to what would be the dirt worst TripleMania surprise; a debuting stable consisting of Alberto El Patron, Sexy Star (the original), La Mascara, Teddy Hart and Bobby Z debuting, wiping out the Bucks, Fenix and Vikingo to cause a no contest, followed by Rush, Dragon Lee, Dralistico, Bestia and Vangellys coming out to tease a confrontation, only to unite with that stable as one unholy unit. That would, in fact, be the dirt worst of surprises. Fortunately it won’t happen because Alberto has run out of people to leak that he’ll be appearing at TripleMania in order to pressure AAA into booking him, Teddy and Sexy are blackballed, La Mascara is too busy working the D circuit and Bobby Z, of course, doesn’t exist. There has never been a luchador that existed named Bobby Z and you cannot tell me otherwise!
Will the Tóxicas do a triple kiss again?
-Miguel, Horny Jail
No and I’ll tell you why; because they did it once and all you peeps got way too excited and wound up in your Horny Jail cells. Once was enough and it will not happen again. Plus, are Hiedra and Flammer even on this show? Last I checked it was only Maravilla, which means there will be no kissing unless she decides she really likes Latigo. And that be understandable; he’s really good at the luchas!
Dorian Roldan isn’t fooling anyone! It’s no coincidence that he was dining with Konnan Big just days before TripleMania. What do you see him doing on this show and why will it be a carbon copy of Hogan beating Yokozuna at WrestleMania 9, only with Konnan Big as Hogan, the Young Bucks as Yoko and Vikingo as Bret Hart?
-The Man From Another Place, Another Place
I was wrong; this would be the dirt worst surprise of TripleMania if it were to happen! Fortunately I think we’re safe from The Man From Another Place’s suggestion here. Sure AAA is always looking for star power and sure, Konnan Big is evidently big in Monterrey for what I can only assume are the same reasons Michael Bay films are popular in America (fundamental flaws in the educational system). But the big key to these TripleMania XXX shows, at least thus far, is that they’re paying homage to the past 30 years of TripleMania; it’s why the Canek’s, Villano IV’s and even Rayo’s of the world are resurfacing. Konnan Big’s AAA history is getting whooped by Cibernetico at the 2009 Heroes Inmortales and an appearance at an AAA/KAOZ show last year. I have been wrong before, but I think we can rest safely knowing Dorian Roldan’s lunch with Konnan Big was just that, and that he won’t be recreating WrestleMania 9 or taking Myzteziz Jr.’s spot in Copa TripleMania. We’re safe…and now I realized it’s always a jinx when you say you’re safe and oh good Grodd, WHAT HAVE I DONE?!
Whatever happened with that Teddy Hart Peacock documentary?! I was so hyped for it, especially to see an unfiltered Kevin Kleinrock giving his thoughts. I swear that man never gets a break.
-D. Dude, SoCal
Much like the earlier question, it is unfair for me to speak for the great Kevin Kleinrock, a simple, kind man with a soft spot for Bad Religion and a seething hatred for terrible TV stations that were last good when hair metal was popular. From what little I know of the situation though, the story goes like this; the Teddy Hart doc was all ready to go, with every nook, cranny, allegation and jail sentence to be included, only for Peacock to halt it after Big Kev decided not to participate. And why didn’t he want to participate? It may or may not have had something to do with Peacock declining his very reasonable request, at least in my opinion, of buying MTV and the rights to Wrestling Society X, allowing then Kleinrock to carry out his true vision fo the show featuring Masato Yoshino, Luke Hawx, Arik Cannon and the immortal Spyder Nate Webb (HE’S COOKING FOR YOU!!!!) as the top stars. Again; pretty reasonable stuff! Again though; don’t take my word for it. Kevin Kleinrock can speak for himself on this subject, and he will do so, if you ask politely, ON JUNE 11 AND 12, AT EXPO LUCHA IN PHILADELPHIA!
(Editors Note: This column is satire; anything suggestion of a Wrestling Society X themed panel at Expo Lucha Philadelphia, held on June 11 and 12 at the ECW Arena, is done for comedic effect. There will be no WSX theme panel at Expo Lucha Phladelphia, held on June 11 and 12 at the ECW Arena, though there will be plenty of other cool features and great matches. Thank you. We now return you to your regularly scheduled Luchabag broadcast).
On that note sports fans, I think we’ve had enough Luchabag sports. And what does that mean?
Marvel Showcase Match: I have no idea if this is going to be on the main card or not, and that’s precisely why I’m previewing it. We don’t get caught with our pants down here. Plus this is an easy match to predict. We all know the score; AAA luchadores will dress up as Marvel characters, the match will be solid but with the talent holding back because they’re likely booked in another match, weird stuff will then occur and when it’s over we’ll all be left wondering when the Howard the Duck influenced luchador will appear. Seriously though; when is that Howard character coming? This deal will not be worth it until I see Mr. Iguana out there as Howard El Pato! Winners: Whatever Team Thanos is On
Copa TripleMania: We have no idea who will be in Copa TripleMania, but we do know it’ll be contested under Lumberjack rules, which means our fears of Crazy Boy missing out on a TripleMania payday can be put to rest. Of course it also likely means our hopes of a good Copa TripleMania can be put to rest too. It’s a hard match to do anyway and the Lumberjack stip, while entertaining for a few minutes, gets old quick and has especially gotten old with AAA seemingly doing it every show. So while I’m sure there will be some cool surprises and some decent action, this is the match that I’m probably the least interested in going into the show. Winner: Chessman (they have to fit him onto this show somehow!)
Pentagon Jr. vs. Ultimo Dragon in a Round One Match of the Ruleta de la Muerte Tournament: The show kicks off (in theory) with our first Ruleta de la Muerte tournament bout. The rules to this tournament will be confusing to newcomers, so let’s go over them quick; the four winners of these first round matchups at TripleMania XXX Monterrey are all out of the tournament, while the losers stay in. Why? Because the end result of this tournament will be someone losing their mask, and it makes no sense for a guy who wins to then have his mask be in danger. Thus the winners are safe and the four losers will move on to TripleMania XXX in Tijuana for the semi-finals. The two losers there will then meet again (SPIDER-MAN!) at TripleMania XXX in Mexico City this October in a mask vs. mask match, with the loser being unmasked for the world to see. And those are the rules to Ruleta de la Muerte!
Things kick off here with what should easily be the best first round match of the tournament, if only because Ultimo Dragon is still able to move at a decent speed despite his age. Certainly this would’ve been a more exciting match even ten years ago, but Dragon is still a solid worker and Pentagon is still an elite level performer. More importantly though, these two have previously wrestled at a SoCal indie show a few years ago, so there’s a level of familiarity there, not to mention some chemistry as the two had a solid (if basic) match. They’ll be trying harder here on a bigger stage, and while I wouldn’t expect a classic, don’t be surprised if it’s really good. Definitely be surprised however if Ultimo Dragon ends up with a loss; there’s no good story for him losing and going to the next round, unless Pentagon is challenging Vikingo in Tijuana. Winner: Ultimo Dragon.
Arez & Chik Tormenta (c) vs. Lady Maravilla & Latigo vs. Octagon Jr. & Sexy Star vs. Sammy Guevara & Tay Conti for the AAA World Mixed Tag Team Championships: This match originally didn’t include Arez and Tormenta until a video promo by Guevara and Conti called out the champs for not being in this match, with the AEW stars threatening to no show unless they were added. That, plus Tay referring to Arez as Austin Aries ended up being enough to get the champs to accept the challenge and get added. That may seem dumb, but in fairness, I’d be ticked too if I was compared to Austin Aries these days, so I can see Arez’ perspective. In the end this can only help what was already a decent looking match on paper. Arez, Tormenta, Maravilla, Latigo and Octagon are all tremendous performers, Sexy Star the second has proven she can hold her own and Sammy Guevara is an outstanding performer familiar with the AAA environment from his previous run. Tay Conti is really the only wild card, and she herself has come along way since joining AEW and should fit right in. I’d be worried if this was in the states, but with no one in Mexico caring about Sammy and Tay doing couple things, that will allow the match to be the focus and barring some chemistry issues, it should be a lot of fun. It also will likely end with Sammy and Tay as the new champs because a) nothing ever goes well for the new Los Vipers and b) there’s absolutely no way AAA will be able to resist the idea of Sammy and Tay defending the Mixed Tag Titles against Paige VanZant and Scorpio Sky/Ethan Page at AEW Double or Nothing. It’s the surest thing since A Sure Thing. Winners and new Champions: Sammy Guevara and Tay Conti.
LA Park vs. Villano IV in a Round One Match of the Ruleta de la Muerte Tournament: It’s the battle of two former WCW luchadores who, incredibly, never faced off one on one in WCW or anywhere else. That’s incredible given they’ve only both been wrestling for nearly forty years. This is a hard match to read, mainly because no one knows what Villano IV has left in the gas tank. On the one hand he’s 57 years old, he looked positively fragile when AAA announced him for this tournament months ago and he hasn’t been wrestling regularly for the last several years. On the other hand, the last time I saw Villano IV in CMLL he was actually semi-decent and willing (and able) to take bumps most luchadores his age try to avoid. It’s possible that Villano IV is long gone, but it does at least give some hope. It also doesn’t hurt that LA Park is here and he always finds a way to make shit interesting. I wouldn’t expect a good match, but it certainly has better odds than the two matches that come after it. As for the result, while I don’t buy LA Park throwing matches to get to the finals (as he’s suggested in the media), he’s a far more interesting participant in the tournament going forward, and the ticket prices for the Mexico City show suggest AAA is planning a payday far bigger than Villano IV would require to lose his mask. As such, I think a major upset may be brewing. Winner: Villano IV.
Dragon Lee & Dralistico vs. Johnny Superstar & Taurus vs. Laredo Kid & Luchador Sorpresa: Death, taxes and Luchador Sorpresa finding a way to get booked on a major AAA show. The dude is like Jeff Jarret; just when you think it’s over, there he is with that guitar, smashing it over Psycho Clown’s head, revealing himself as the leader of La Empresa and saying Champ Julius’ favorite word.
This definitely has the feel of a match that was put together to give Dragon Lee and Dralistico something to do, given that their two main AAA rivals, the Lucha Brothers and AAA World Tag Champs FTR, are either busy on this show or not on this show at all. As such, they’re now taking on the makeshift team of The Artist Formerly Known as Johnny Mundo and Taurus, and Laredo Kid and whoever they’ve decided to pair him up with this time (Myzteziz Jr.? Willie Mack? Heavy Metal? Antifaz del Norte? AAA Showcenter fans will get that one!). The good news is that everyone involved here is great. Alright maybe not Dralistico, but the other four are great and he’s good enough! It may be thrown together, but as long as Laredo Kid is gifted a competent partner, you’re probably going to get a lot of great action, several great dives and a match that quietly steals the show. And frankly, it can never hurt to give Lee and Dralistico some more momentum with a win especially with bigger matches coming up down the road. Just please; no Rush and the gang AAA! And if there is going to be Rush, leave Bestia and Vangellys at home. Winners: Dragon Lee & Dralistico.
Blue Demon Jr. vs. Rayo de Jalisco Jr. in a Round One Match in the Ruleta de la Muerte Tournament: 33 years ago this July, 67 year old Blue Demon defeated 57 year old Rayo de Jalisco Sr. to claim Jalisco Sr.’s mask in Monterrey, the final major match for both lucha libre legends. Now, 62 year old Jalisco Jr. will try to avenge his father by defeating Demon’s adopted son in the very same city their two fathers battled all those years ago. That’s some nifty storytelling right there and gives this Blue Demon Jr./Ray Jr. match a big time feel. Unfortunately this is the type of match that will have to rely heavily on spectacle. Blue Demon Jr. is by no means awful, but aside from his matches with Dr. Wagner Jr. three years ago he’s never been known for having must see, memorable matches. That’s at least better than Rayo; Jalisco Jr. was an eyesore 22 years ago, and much like Hayden Christensen’s career post Star Wars, the years have not been kind. The match will certainly have great heat, but short of a miracle I have no idea how this match will be anything good. AAA will surely try, and it’s notable the Nuevo Generacion Dinamitas (Cuatrero, Foraster and Sanson) aren’t on this show, indicating they may get involved after being confronted by Rayo Jr. back at TripleMania Regia in December. Of course, the Dinamitas aren’t exactly known for that high motor, so that may not help either! In the end, as long as you come in prepared for this match being rough and for crowd reactions to carry it, you’ll come out okay. That won’t stop this from likely being one of the worst matches of the year, but hey…I don’t know what my point was! As for the winner, no one wants to see Rayo wrestle two more times, and the angle of him avenging his father is frankly too good to pass up anyway. Winner: Rayo de Jalsico Jr.
Bandido, Pagano, and Taya vs. Andrade El Idolo, Cibernetico, and Deonna Purrazzo: On an AAA show chock full of its usual weirdness in improbable matchups, it’s quite an accomplishment that this match may be the damndest thing I’ve ever seen AAA put together. And I sat through three of the most bizarre shows in AAA history during March of 2018! Frankly, the only reason Bandido, Pagano, and Taya (three totally different wrestlers) aren’t the weirdest team ever is because they’re facing an even weirder team consisting of the world-class super wrestler (Andrade), a technician (Deonna Purrazzo) and a guy who got lost at a Metallica concert and found himself at a Lucha show (Cibernetico). You can’t make this up. As for what it means for the match, I honestly have no idea. The bad news is that Cibernetico and Pagano are both mediocre to bad, and the fact that they’re feuding means we’ll see a lot of them. The good news is that everyone else here rules. Taya and Deonna are both really good, their feud over the Reina de Reinas Title has been solid and there’s no reason to believe that won’t continue here. And while Bandido and Andrade have no beef, they’re easily two of the best wrestlers around right now, and their limited history together makes this first-time match-up between them an exciting possibility. So how will it turn out? I see two possibilities; if it focuses on Cibernetico and Pagano primarily, this will be a middling bore. If those two brawl a ton outside the ring, have a few big spots, and leave the rest to Bandido, Andrade, Taya, and Deonna? We may have something here. Also, as a bonus, JOSE THE ASSISTANT WILL BE IN ANDRADE’S CORNER! Well in theory at least; we all know he’ll be gunning for the great Latin Lover instead. As for the winner? Let’s flip a coin; heads tecnicos, tails rudos…TAILS IT IS! Winners: Andrade, Cibernetico and Deonna Purrazzo.
El Canek vs. Psycho Clown in a Round One Match in the Ruleta de la Muerte Tournament: From the weirdest AAA match ever to a match that, if you put these two against each other in their respective primes, would be one of the biggest dream matches ever. I shit you not. On the one end is Psycho Clown, the biggest modern-day star in Lucha libre, well on his way to becoming one of the greatest luchadores ever. On the other side is El Canek, the 15-time world champion, the greatest heavyweight in lucha libre history, one of the biggest stars in lucha libre history, the man who unmasked Owen Hart and, oh yeah, AND THE GUY WHO SLAMMED ANDRE THE GORRAM GIANT! This is not the type of matchup that you see every day; hell it’s not the type of match you see anywhere, other than David Bowman’s wildish fever dreams as he’s crossing the monolith.

There is of course just one problem; Canek is 69 years old, turning 70 later this year. On top of that, much like Rayo de Jalisco Jr., Canek also hasn’t been good for years and these days sports are what I would describe as negative mobility. This is why I said this would be a massive dream match with both guys in their prime; it still is to a degree now, but largely in spectacle only. If you’re looking on the bright side, Canek was inexplicably trying second rope dives in the months leading up to this match (I can only presume to try and increase his work rate leading into this), Psycho Clown is an absolute gem of a performer who will work as hard as possible to get the most out of this, and the Monterrey crowd is sure to give this match fantastic heat. Can that be enough, along with some smoke and mirrors, to make this a passable match? Maybe. Much like Demon vs. Rayo however, set your expectations low. It’ll be a cool moment, but anything better than bad will honestly be something close to a miracle. At least like the Rayo match, it’s clear that Canek moving on is a bad idea, and Psycho Clown is a big enough star that him losing and being one step closer to putting his mask up is something fans will want to see. Winner: El Canek.
Fenix & Hijo del Vikingo vs. Matt Jackson & Nick Jackson (The Young Bucks): Imagine being an AAA fan five years ago and being told that at TripleMania XXX, El Canek and Psycho Clown would work the semi-main event while the Young Bucks worked the main event against Fenix from Lucha Underground and the top Llave a la Gloria prospect. It would sound impossible then and it’s almost impossible to believe now; perhaps we’re in a simulation designed by David Lynch after all. However it happened, this is the match most fans from the US are tuning in to see. It will happen; both Fenix and Vikingo are good to go, and any questions about how their health will affect them shouldn’t be too much cause for concern given Fenix looked great on AEW Dynamite Wednesday and Vikingo looked like the best wrestler in the world working through his injury in March. The only two questions are this; how will the Bucks mesh with Vikingo and how the hell does this match end? For the first question, I see them working together great; the Bucks are underrated bases, they work great with luchadores (see their work with Fenix) and Vikingo is coming off strong performances against Johnny Superstar, Jay Lethal and Bobby Fish. That shouldn’t be a problem. As for who wins…I favor the tecnicos. I’m not sure where the Bucks fit into the AAA picture following this show, whereas Fenix and Vikingo seem destined to tangle with each other, meaning a win to keep them strong is important. Of course you can argue them screwing each other will help set up that match too! In the end the deciding factor for me is this; sooner or later, Kenny Omega will be healthy again, and until I hear otherwise, him vs. Vikingo for the Mega Championship is going to happen. What better way to set that up than having Vikingo beat his two best friends. Winners: Fenix & Hijo del Vikingo.
That will do it sports fans! I’m off until tomorrow, where not only will you get the TripleMania XXX review from yours truly, but maybe even a TripleMania playlist review like I did for TripleMania XXVIII! I won’t promise anything as I may want to enjoy my Saturday (and we still haven’t picked out the matches for it yet), but it’s something to keep an eye out for. At worst though, you will see me for the TripleMania XXX review some time late Saturday night/early Sunday morning. TILL NEXT TIME!
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