CMLL Topps Set Cards of Chris Jericho and Broncito

Extraordinary Finds: The Story Of The 1993 CMLL Topps Set

Published July 22, 2024

Article by Roy Lucier


Less than a month ago, one of my closest friends in Mexico City was walking around some street vendors selling Lucha Libre magazines. He bought a handful from the vendor, and then asked him if he had anything else for sale. The vendor mentioned having some trading cards of lucha and Marvel that no one is ever interested in. When my friend asked to see the cards, he was in shock. The vendor had the complete set of 1993 Topps CMLL in a cardboard box, and they were all in perfect condition. He asked the price and was told “I’ll give it to you for 350 pesos”. For those unaware, that’s the equivalent of $19.80 in US dollars. Now, for those who aren’t familiar with what’s the big deal with this set, it’s the first official Mexican pack released card set ever in Mexico. I can still remember when this set came out in late 1993. For decades, a lot of us knew about cards but there was so little interest in this set, or any from Mexico or Japan. But in 2020, trading cards really boomed during the pandemic, and this set especially, as this set contained the first ever official trading card (i.e. rookie card) of Chris Jericho, known as Corazon de Leon in this set. 


To this date, I still cannot find the details on why and how Topps collaborated with CMLL on how this set was made. I’ve sent media requests to Topps with no response. All efforts by those with way more connections (i.e. the Jeremy Padawer types) have been unsuccessful as well. Lots of theories are thrown around, but there is nothing concrete. I can tell you this as one of the leading experts on action figures from Mexico, Paco Alonso did not care at all about “official” merchandise. The 1992 OFSTM CMLL toy line that produced six figures in early 1992, was the brainchild of Antonio Pena, and when Pena left to create AAA in May of 1992, the line died, even with six more figures announced on the back of the package and a couple more on the box that held the CMLL ring on it (Pirata Morgan and Brazo de Plata). Paco Alonso and Salvador Lutteroth were not fans of actual merchandise because of all the vendors that hang out outside of Arena Mexico and other CMLL arenas every week (if you’ve ever been to a Lucha event, you will understand this immediately, as entire streets are lined up with these vendors selling bootleg masks and “arena” toys of the luchadores.) I cannot express enough how much this street vendor culture is instilled in Lucha history, going far back as anyone can tell (I’ve talked to luchadores from the 60’s who recall these vendors outside of the arenas.) Which again brings the point, who authorized a serious company like Topps to venture to Mexico and make an official Lucha product? To this date, I still don’t have an answer.


Now onto the financial part of this set. This is where this gets difficult, as there are extremely very little examples of verified sales. I personally bought 4 “commons” on eBay a couple months ago, and the list price was $175 for the 4. That is the only verified listing on all of eBay for those cards in the last few years. There was another listing on eBay for over a year, of a Beckett 9.5 graded Corazon de Leon card. The seller was asking $500,000 for the card. Remember this, just because something is listed doesn’t mean that’s what the item is worth. At the end of the day, a deal was brokered between the seller and Chris Jericho himself to get the card (with the help with Jeremy Padawer), and the card ended up selling for $15,000, per Jericho himself. Finding these cards aren’t easy, and if found, it will probably take an eBay (or Heritage or some other auction company) to “let it loose” and do bidding for a week and see what the final results come to. This isn’t meant as disrespect to anyone in this group, but the prices will probably be based upon “commons”, which would be guys with very little exposure to the American/Western public, then some names with occasional American/Western appearances (Dr. Wagner Jr, El Dandy, and Negro Casas types), those really known to the US/Western market (Vampiro and Ultimo Dragon come to mind), and Jericho’s card would top that entire list.


So let’s say you yourself are going to some card show or a random antique or card shop somewhere, or someone puts this set up on eBay or another site and you end up coming into this extremely rare set. First off, congratulations! Now, is your plan to get as many of them autographed as possible? I’ve spent the last couple weeks researching on each luchador/wrestler in this set, if they are active, deceased, where they are living (or potentially living), or any other information I could find on them, all 65. Enjoy!


1. Aguila Solitaria


He is actually semi-active nowadays! Usually wrestles around Mexico City in events featuring legends like Solar and Negro Navarro, and occasionally teaming with his son, Aguila Solitaria Jr.


2. Aguilita Solitaria


He is also still semi-active in lucha libre. He’s done several gimmicks over the last 3-4 decades after Aguilita Solitaria, mostly known as Super Muneqito in AAA in the 90’s. Currently he wrestles as Mini Super Astro.


3. Arkangel


Sadly, he passed away in June of 2018. On the card, he is listed as “Arkangel”, but is more commonly known as “Arkangel de la Muerte.


4. Atlantis


Very active still, just celebrated 40 years of being a luchador last October. Currently with the CMLL promotion and works a lot of indies that use CMLL talent.


5. Bestia Salvaje


Sadly he passed away in March 2008. A legendary rudo, a member of “Los Guapos” and “Los Talibanes” in the 2000’s.


6. Black Magic


Real name Norman Smiley, yes the same Norman Smiley who is currently a coach at the NXT Performance Center and did the Big Wiggle in WCW back in the late 90’s. Magic was also the CMLL Heavyweight champion, beating Rayo de Jalisco Jr in a tournament in November 1992.


7. Blue Demon Jr


Extremely active nowadays, mostly with independents associated with AAA and RGR in California. A former NWA Heavyweight champion, and the only Mexican luchador who can say they’ve accomplished that.


8. Brazo de Oro


One of the iconic “Los Brazos” trios, with his brothers El Brazo and Brazo de Plata (Super Porky). Brazo de Oro sadly passed away in April of 2017.


9. Brazo de Plata


The well known and loved “Super Porky”, a member of “Los Brazos” with his brothers El Brazo and Brazo de Plata. Father of current AAA megastar Psycho Clown. Sadly he passed away three years ago, in July 2021.


10. Bronce


Bronce was more commonly known as “Black Warrior” a couple years after this gimmick, one of the most iconic luchadores from CMLL in the late 90’s and 2000’s. As Bronce, he was a member of “Los Metalicos” with Oro and Plata. Bronce/Jesús Toral López passed away in January 2023.


11. Broncito


Javier Teucli Roldán is more known for using the name “Sombrita” in 1994, only using Broncito or more known as Pequeno Bronce for two years until 1994 when he changed gimmicks. He appears to be retired as of 2011, but his name pops up occasionally on shows and conventions in Mexico City.


12. Cachorro Mendoza


From the famous Mendoza family, teamed a lot with his brother, Ringo Mendoza, in the 80’s and 90’s in CMLL. He last wrestled in 2019, but still does appearances at conventions around Mexico City.


13. Ciclon Ramirez


He is still active, usually around the IWRG type events, wrestling with the Fishman Jr’s and other “Hijo’s” as his son, Ciclon Ramirez Jr is an active wrestler.


14. Cicloncito Ramirez


A gimmick he used until 2002, and then he went to using the name “Pequeno Olimpico”. He is still alive, last known match was a little less than a year ago in CMLL.


15. Cynthia Moreno


Still very active, even wrestling in Mexico City a couple weeks ago. A member of the legendary Moreno family, she even has an Instagram account if you are trying to see where she is wrestling next.


16. Corazon de Leon


The most desired card of this set, as this is the rookie card of the future Chris Jericho, the most well known name worldwide in this set. Chris recently did a podcast about this card with Jeremy Padawer that is a must listen. If you are trying to get this card signed, easiest way would be to pay for a VIP experience at one of his Fozzy concerts.



17. Dr. Wagner Jr.


One of the most active luchadores in this set. He even just competed in Tijuana at AAA’s TripleMania event, and often competes in the United States. Well known worldwide, he competed in New Japan in the 90’s and his name just blew up worldwide at that point.


18. Damian el Guerrero


Before this gimmick, he had one of the greatest names ever for a luchador, Tierra Viento y Fuego (Earth, Wind, and Fire). He was rebranded as Damian el Guerrero and was a part of Los Guerreros del Futuro (with Guerrero Maya and Guerrero del Futuro). He retired from active competition in 2001 after losing a hair match to Alan Stone, but I’ve seen his name pop up at signing events at Solar’s store occasionally.


19. El Brazo


Another member of “Los Brazos”, brothers to Brazo de Plata and Brazo de Oro. Sadly he passed away in October 2013.


20. El Dandy


Incredibly talented luchador, mostly known to most fans from his time in WCW, including a famous Bret Hart promo, where he says “Who are you to doubt El Dandy?” His last match was in 2019 at Arena Neza, but he still occasionally makes appearances at Lucha events. He is also a well known chiropractor in Mexico City.


21. Emilio Charles Jr.


The legendary “El Rey de Beautiful”, who was involved in some of the most memorable battles in the 80’s and 90’s in CMLL, and later a member of “Los Guapos”. Sadly he passed away after being bit by a spider and refusing medical care in December of 2012.


22. El Felino


As I type this, Jorge Casas “El Felino” just had his 40th Anniversary event at Arena Mexico. A member of the legendary Casas dynasty, Felino is still active and makes the rounds on most CMLL shows and US indies that work with CMLL.


23. Gran Markus Jr.


Born Cándido Robles Cruz, and a member of La Ola Blanca with Dr. Wagner Jr and Hijo del Gladiador, he had a great career in CMLL, but eventually lost his mask to Mil Mascaras in 1997, but would continue wrestling, involved in many memorable skits in the early 2000’s. Now, another luchador used the name around this time, and that luchador passed away in 2015, yet Robles is still alive, but I can’t even recall the last time he made a public appearance.


24. Guerrero del Futuro


This was a gimmick used by legendary luchador Jose Luis Feliciano when he left UWA and came to CMLL in 1992, as a part of Los Guerreros del Futuro. He kept that name, even to today. He is seen at CMLL events, as he was present recently when Felino was honored at his 40th Anniversary event.


25. Guerrero de la Muerte


One of many gimmicks this luchador has used. He used the name Guerrero de la Muerte until 1999, and then became Silver Fox, losing his mask to Atlantis in 2000. From there he became Toxico, and still uses the gimmick today, mostly in the Guadalajara area.


26. Guerrero Maya


Similar to Guerrero del Futuro, CMLL took an established luchador, in this case, Black Terry, and turned him into Guerrero Maya with Los Guerreros del Futuro. Black Terry still trains luchadores at Arena Naulcapan twice a week, and can be found every Sunday at the arena checking out his trainees.


27. Guerrero Samurai


I am assuming this card is the luchador known as Guerrero Samurai II, and not this first one who passed away in 1990. I believe this is José Luis Gutiérrez, he then became “Samurai” and wrestles mostly in the Guadalajara markets, who even wrestled last October.


28. Hijo del Gladiador


Arturo Beristain Ramírez wrestled as Talisman for many years, and then switched to Filoso and finally Hijo del Gladiador. He was a member of La Ola Blanca with Wagner and Markus. He is still alive and is a trainer for CMLL.


29. Jaque Mate


One of the most memorable luchadores, thanks to his look based off a Chicago mobster, Jaque Mate is most known for being in a trio called “Los Intocables” with Pierroth Jr and Masakre. He wrestled last in 2019, and I cannot recall the last time he’s made a public appearance.


30. Kato Jr.


My assumption is this is Kato Kung Lee Jr, who is still an active wrestler, occasionally wrestling in arenas like Arena Naulcapan and Arena Neza. Around the time this card came out, he mostly worked openers and segundas on the weekly cards at Arena Mexico and Arena Coliseo. The legit son of Kato Kung Lee.


31. La Fiera


Arturo Casco had several high level apuestas in the 80’s and 90’s that are still fondly remembered even today. One of the greatest rudos of all time. Sadly the last couple years of his life took a bad turn and he passed away in September 2010.


32. Lady Apache


Still extremely active on the independent scene, also training at Bandido’s Gym in Mexico City and in San Jose for Pro Wrestling Revolution. Not difficult to find her wrestling on any occasional weekend. Her social medias are very active as well.


33. Lynx


Blas Columba wrestled as “Lynx” in CMLL for five years, but looking back, he is more commonly known for wrestling as “Violencia”, even at one point joining the Boricuas group with Pierroth Jr in the early 2000’s. He ended up losing his mask to Pierroth Jr, and wrestled a few more years but hasn’t been seen of since 2010 unless he’s using a new gimmick and we aren’t aware of who is he.


34. Mano Negra


The “black hand”, who lost his mask to Atlantis around the time these cards came out, in mid 1993. An iconic luchador, known for some amazing title wins and blood feuds in the 80’s and 90’s, he last wrestled in 2020, but makes a lot of appearances at conventions.


35. Masakre


One of the members of “Los Intocables” with Pierroth Jr and Jaque Mate in the 90’s, at one point, he went to AAA and did a couple new gimmicks like a Vampire and a Yeti. Sadly he passed away to spinal cancer in April 2012.


36. Masakito


According to Pequeno Pierroth, Masakrito passed away in June of 2020 (unsure of the causes). Other reports said he was using the name Kilowatito at the time of his passing.



37. Mascara Magica


To make this clear, the photo here does not show Eddie Guerrero or Talisman, two of the luchadores who used this gimmick from 1992-1994, however the photo shown is actually Vicente Cervantes, who was Mascarita Magica at this time. So Topps/CMLL got the information incorrect and used Cervantes for both Mascara Magica and Mascarita Magica in this set.


38. Mascarita Magica


See above. Topps/CMLL made an error and credited Mascarita as Mascara. Mascarita then used the name “Fire” around Mexico City and also has social media under his real name. He is also a trainer in Mexico City as well.


39. Metalico


Jose Mercardo Lopez did the Metalico gimmick in 1992-1993, so a very short time in his life. He would be more known later on for multiple gimmicks, especially the new Pentagon after the original had a serious accident in the ring and never wrestled again. He would also become Sasuke the Great in Michinoku Pro. He left AAA and continues to wrestle today using the name “Pentagon Black” and does have social media under his real name.



40. Mogur


A CMLL luchador in the 80’s, 90’s and 2000’s, who had a memorable name that the announcer was elongate (i.e. MOGURRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR). He has wrestled every couple years over the last decade, coming back in legends type matches, and I’ve personally seen him at a Lucha convention in Tijuana last September.



41. Negro Casas


The oldest brother of the Casas clan, with El Felino and Heavy Metal and son of Pepe “Tropi” Casas. He left CMLL for AAA over two years ago, and still works events all over the world. He is also the 2024 Cauliflower Alley Club Lucha Libre honoree next month in Las Vegas.


42. Orito


The legendary Mike Segura, he started around when these cards came out, using the gimmick Orito. He later was Super Nova in AAA, even used when the WWF and AAA had the working arrangement. He has been seen wrestling at Arena Neza occasionally in the past few years.


43. Oro


A luchador with a bright future who sadly passed away during a public match around the time these cards came out. He was a member of “Los Metalicos” with Plata and Bronce.



44. Pantera


A very well known luchador, who still uses the Pantera gimmick nowadays. He’s been to Michinoku Pro as well using the same gimmick, and was a part of the original WWF Light Heavyweight tournament back in 1997. Side note, he also was using another gimmick at the time this set came out, known as Triton.


45. Pegasso II


A luchador, real name Carlos Guevara Morales. According to what I’ve been able to find, he lost his mask in 2000 and hasn’t wrestled since, unless he changed gimmicks and we don’t know who he is now.


46. Pequeno Felino


Roberto Ramirez Garcia did this gimmick for a short time (1993-1997) and after that, went to AAA and became “Mach-1”, a semi-memorable character. After that, he became “Punch Power”, who lost his mask to Kato Kung Lee Jr. Unsure if he makes personal appearances at shows nowadays.


47. Pequeno Jaque Mate


To be clear on Pequeno Jaque Mate, he did not play “Masakrito”, as there was a rumor he passed away in 2020. Pequeno Jaque Mate is still alive, but he did retire from lucha libre for personal reasons. I am not sure if he makes appearances at events, one of the minis told me he occasionally sees him at events.


48. Pequeno Ultratumbita


This luchador didn’t wrestle for long, he took the gimmick but lost his mask in 1995 against Mascarita Magica, and to our knowledge, didn’t wrestle since. One report said he passed away in March 2018.


49. Pierroth Jr.


One of the greatest rudo’s of all time, Pierroth Jr worked for both CMLL and AAA during the 90’s and 2000’s, until an unfortunate stroke happened in 2008 which led to his retirement. He is still living in Cuernavaca where his sister Teresa and others in the family take care of him.


50. Pirata Morgan


The legendary Pirata Morgan! One of the tops rudos of all time. Still very active today, wrestles for a lot of independent companies all over the United States and Mexico. Also very active on social media under his real name, Pedro Morgan.


51. Piratita Morgan


He was Piratita Morgan during the early to mid 90’s in CMLL, but when Pirata left for AAA, the company didn’t want a luchador with a AAA name, so became Damiancito el Guerrero. Later on, he started using the name Virus, which he still uses today, wrestling for CMLL and indies associated with CMLL. Shockingly, he just had a singles match with Zack Sabre Jr.


52. Plata


A member of “Los Metalicos” with Oro and Bronce in the early 90’s and brother to Oro, he wrestled for years with CMLL, eventually losing his mask to Averno in 2009. Sadly he passed away in October 2021.


53. Popiketus


Popiketus was a member of “Los Cavernicolas” in the 90’s, doing a caveman gimmick. Kurt Brown mentioned one of the best matches he ever saw live was Popiketus vs Super Muneco in Tijuaana in a mask vs hair match. Sadly he passed away in July 2010.


54. Ringo Mendoza


Mendoza was such a staple of my weekly lucha viewing for decades when I was first becoming a lucha fan in the late 80’s. With his brother Cachorro Mendoza, he won many titles and apuestas over the years. He finally retired in 2011, and makes occasional appearances using a walker at small independent events around Mexico City and Guadalajara.


55. Sangre Chicana


A legendary luchador, who rose to prominence during the 70’s, and had some memorable battles all the way into the 2000’s, with every promotion possible (CMLL, UWA, AAA, and independants. The father of, well, many luchadores and luchadoras nowadays (including La Hiedra and Lluvia and many more), Chicana officially retired in 2016 but makes many Mexico City appearances, as I’ve personally seen him announced many times at Solar’s store since 2020.


56. Talisman


Antonio Gómez Medina is probably best known for two things, taking over the Mascara Magica gimmick from Eddie Guerrero when Eddie left for AAA, and also for being married to Akira Hokuto around the time of this gimmick. Before Mascara Magica, he went by “Talisman Jr”, as he was trained by the original Talisman and was given permission to use the gimmick. If correct, he still uses the Mascara Magica gimmick today in the US and Mexico.


57. Titan


When others used this gimmick around this time, including Jack Victory, of all people. However, this card shows the gimmick being used by Commando Ruso, a mid-card rudo from the 80’s and 90’s, he sadly passed away in November of 2022.


58. Triton


The Triton shown on this card is played by Pantera, making him the second person (Mascara/Mascarita Magica being the other) with two cards in this set, as Pantera has confirmed this to me. See Pantera above for more information.


59. Tritoncito


One of the original pioneers of the mini scene from the early 90’s, Tritoncito sadly passed away from long term health issues in October 2018.


60. Trueno


This may be the toughest name to “Truly” (no pun intended) find out on this list. One rumor said he was the son of Mil Mascaras (Mil had three daughters, no sons). Another one, and this is from Ernesto Ocampo, “maybe he was Capitán América (he used to team up with Thor). In the magazines of J. Guadalupe García (Acción en el Ring and En Esta Esquina), they published that he was actually the actor Alfredo Adame, who in those days was the image of underwear brand Trueno.” The last thing I can find is that he lost his mask in 1995 and has not been seen since.


61. Ultimo Dragon


Need we say more about what this luchador has accomplished worldwide, from Mexico to Japan, to WCW, and the WWE, and everywhere inbetween. Dragon is still very active today, and still wrestles and makes appearances all over the world, especially with All Japan and Pro Wrestling Revolution out of San Jose, CA.


62. Ultimo Dragoncito


This same mini luchador is still active in the CMLL Mini’s division nowadays. He actually lost his mask quite recently, about two years ago, to Pequeno Olimpico, and was forced to unmask, as Miguel Ángel Arciniega Peña.


63. Vampiro Casanova


This is the same legendary Vampiro, who most American fans would know from his time in WCW. He joins a very small list of wrestlers who pinned Hulk Hogan, and Hulk never got the rematch and revenge on. He is currently doing a retirement tour for the AAA promotion in Mexico City, retiring at each arena after each AAA show he’s on, similar to what John Cena will do next year for WWE. Vampiro does make public appearances, mostly notably at San Diego Comic Con in a couple weeks.


64. Xavier Cruz


The card got the name spelled wrong, as this card shows Javier “El Monarca” Cruz on it. A legendary name, both on and off camera with CMLL in the 80’s and 90’s, he still wrestles and can be seen around the Guadalajara circuit, usually teaming with and helping his son, Javier Cruz Jr.


65. Xochitl Hamada


A member of the legendary Hamada family, with Gran Hamada, Ayako Hamada, and ex-wife to Silver King. It appears she hasn’t wrestled since 2009, but there’s plenty of photos of fans and the boys with her at events, so she still travels to them here and there around Mexico City.



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